Card Name :Card Name:This is for reference only. You can enter name of the game followed by your name if you want credit for this game publicly.
Your Name :Your Name:Optional. If this card makes to the front page, you will be credited for creating it.
Card Title :Card Title:Title is shown on top of each bingo card.
It can be text or an image. If the image is >50kb, then it will be compressed and may loose transparency.
Grid Items :Grid Items:Enter numbers, words or phrases, each one on a new line.
Column Mode:
To specify word lists per column, separate each word list by -c- in a line by itself.
Example Grid Images :Grid Images:Support for-
Upto 75 images.
Multiple or Single image upload.
Upto 5 MB file size per image.
You can specify both Grid Items & Grid Images.
Click on the image or label to edit label or delete image.
If background of an image changes to white, either remove the transparency or reduce the image size < 10KB.
Show Image Labels :Show Image Labels:Show Image labels or not on the bingo cards. Image labels are always shown on the calling card.
No Small Medium Large Grid Size (Cols x Rows) :Grid Size (Cols x Rows) :Grid size in Columns x Rows format.
3 x 3 4 x 4 5 x 5 6 x 6 7 x 7 9 x 3 Free Space Cell :Free Space Cell:Free space is usually the center square of the card. It is like a joker or a wild square, and counts towards the winning pattern.
None Center Top Left Top Right Bottom Left Bottom Right Free Space Content :Free Space Content:
Shows text or image in the Free Space Cell.
Make sure Free Space Cell is not set to "None".
To show text, enter text.
To show an image instead, click on the button on the right to select an image.
If background of the image changes to white, either remove the transparency or reduce the image size to < 10KB.
Randomize? :Randomize?:Select Yes to generate random cards. If No is selected, all cards will have the same text, which might be usefull in educational or quiz settings.
No Yes Max. Font Size :Max. Font Size:Font size is automatically downsized to fit text in each cell. This may make font size for shorter texts very large.
If you don't like that look, then pick a smaller max. font size to prevent that.
1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 19% 20% Title Text Color :Title Text Color:Title text color.
Title Back Shape :Title Back Shape:Title background shape.
None Arrow Left Arrow Right Bowl Diamond Hexagon Hill Oval Pillar Rectangle Rounded Bottom Rounded Top Rounded Title Back Color :Title Back Color:Title background color.
Title Border Color :Title Border Color:Title background border color.
Title Transparency :Title Transparency:Title background transparency.
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Cell Text Color :Cell Text Color:Grid Text color.
Cell Back Color :Cell Back Color:Grid background color.
Cell Border Color :Cell Border Color:Grid line color.
Cell Back Shape :Cell Back Shape:
Background shape for cells.
Select a stock image or upload your own custom image.
You can use Cell Transparency setting to change how prominently the background shape shows.
If you select a shape other than Grid, you may have to increase Cell Padding if you want to fit the text inside the shape.
Don't see the selected image?
Set Cell Transparency <50.
Grid Circle Cup 60 Cup 80 Grad Hat Heart Hexagon 1 Hexagon 2 Hill 60 Hill 80 Octagon Rounded Square Star 4s60 Star 4s80 Star 4s80a Star 6s60a ...
Cell Padding :Cell Padding:Empty space inside each cell between border and text.
2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Cell Spacing :Cell Spacing:Space between any 2 cells.
0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Cell Transparency :Cell Transparency:0% makes grid background opaque. Higher setting makes grid background transparent allowing card background image or card background color to show.
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Card Back Color :Card Back Color:Card background color.
Card Border Color :Card Border Color:Card outside border color.
Card Border Width :Card Border Width:Outside border width.
0% 0.5% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% Card Border Style :Card Border Style:Yes makes the card corners rounded.
Square Rounded Card Padding :Card Padding:Empty space between card border and card contents.
0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% Card Back Image :Card Back Image:
Background image for the whole card.
Select a stock image or upload your own custom image.
You can use Grid Transparency setting to change how prominently the image shows behind the grid.
Don't see the selected image?
Set Card Transparency >50.
Set Card Border Width >0 or Card Padding >0.
Set Cell Transparency >50.
None American Flag Baby Boy Baby Girl Balloons Balloons 2 Birds Birthday Bridal CPU Day Cake Candles Cat Cat 2 Cat 3 Cat 4 Cinco De Mayo Cupcakes Cupcakes 2 Cupcakes 3 Cupcakes 4 Davids Star Davids Star 2 Dollar Sign Earth Day Earth Day 2 Eggs Eggs 2 Eid Mubarak Eid Mubarak 2 Eid Mubarak 3 Emojis Laughing Emojis Laughing 2 Fathers Day Fireworks Fireworks 2 Floral Floral 2 Flowers Roses Flowers Spring Gift Box Gift Box 2 Gift Box 3 Gift Box 4 Gift Boxes Gift Boxes 2 Gift Boxes 3 Glass Cocktail Glass Cocktail 2 Glass Cocktail 3 Glass Cocktail 4 Glass Cocktail 5 Glasses Cocktail Glasses Cocktail 2 Graduation Cap Happy Birthday Heart Heart 2 Hearts Hearts 2 Hearts 3 House Memorial Day Mothers Day Party Hat Party Hat 2 Party Hat 3 Party Hat 4 Party Hats Rabbits Rose Rose 2 Rose 3 Rose 4 Solar Eclipse Solar Eclipse 2 Solar Eclipse 3 Solar Eclipse 4 Tea Party Tree Tree 2 Tree 3 Tree 4 Tree 5 Trees ...
Card Image Fill :Card Image Fill:Select how the background image covers the whole card. You can also choose to repeat the image.
Fit Shorter Edge Fit Longer Edge Repeat 2x Repeat 4x Repeat 5x Repeat 10x Repeat 20x Card Transparency :Card Transparency:Card image transparency.
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Audio Separator :Audio Separator:If words on a line are separated by this text, then:
The text on the right side of the separator will be spoken by the online game play.
Bingo card will only show the text on the left side of the separator.
The pdf call list will show the full text.
Quiz Separator :Quiz Separator:If words on each line are separated by this text, then bingo card will only show the text on the right side of the separator. The call list will show the whole text.
Visibility :Visibility:
Public: Anyone can see your card, including search engines
Private: Only you can see and edit the card. You will need to be signed in.
Click to Sign-Up « Free!!!
Click to Sign-In Public Private Starting Card Number :Starting Card Number:Starting card number. Currently up to 100 cards per pdf is supported. To generate cards more than 100, change the starting number.
For example, for 1st pdf, set starting card number to 1, for 2nd pdf, set starting card number to 101, and so on.
Note: If this is not 1, then call list (index card) will not be printed.
Number of Cards :Number of Cards:Number of cards to generate and include in the Full PDF. The Preview button will always generate only 1 card.
You can print up to 100 cards at a time. To generate cards more than 100, change the starting number. For example-
Set Number of Cards = 100
To print cards 1-100, set Starting Card Number = 1
To print cards 101-200, set Starting Card Number = 101
To print cards 201-300, set Starting Card Number = 201
and so on...
Print Call List :Print Call List:Select Yes to include call list in the Full PDF.
No Yes Paper Size :Paper Size:Printer paper size.
Letter Legal A4 8.5 x 12 Paper Orientation :Paper Orientation:How to print on paper, ie paper orientation. Printed cards might look better one way or the other.
Portrait Landscape Cards Per Page (Cols x Rows) :Cards Per Page (Cols x Rows) :Arrangement of cards on each page of paper.
1 x 1 1 x 2 1 x 3 1 x 4 2 x 1 2 x 2 2 x 3 2 x 4 2 x 5 2 x 6 3 x 1 3 x 2 3 x 3 3 x 4 4 x 1 4 x 2 4 x 3 4 x 4 Card Hor. Margin :Card Hor. Margin:Horizontal margin on left and right sides of each card.
0.1 inch 0.2 inch 0.3 inch 0.4 inch 0.5 inch 0.6 inch 0.7 inch 0.8 inch 0.9 inch 1 inch Card Ver. Margin :Card Ver. Margin:Vertical margin on top and bottom sides of each card.
0.1 inch 0.2 inch 0.3 inch 0.4 inch 0.5 inch 0.6 inch 0.7 inch 0.8 inch 0.9 inch 1 inch Ink Saver :Ink Saver:Colors: Removes background to save ink for printing.
B&W: Removes background & changes colors to black & white to save ink for printing.
No Colored B&W Empty Space :Empty Space:Select amount of empty space to keep in each cell for participants to write something.
This feature is also called human bingo, people bingo, social bingo, get-to-know bingo or ice breaker bingo.
No 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Card Header Height :Card Header Height:Header height. Header is shown only when there is 1 or more characters.
5% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% 25% Card Header Text :Card Header Text:Instructions or any other message(s) at the top of each card.
Card Footer Height :Card Footer Height:Footer height. Footer is shown only when there is 1 or more characters.
5% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% 25% Card Footer Text :Card Footer Text:Instructions or any other message(s) at the bottom of each card.