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How to play "Twilight Bingo Cards Free Pdf"?
Game Modes Supported:
Paper Host: Print PDF calling card & calling slips and manually pick the slips.
Paper Players: Print PDF bingo cards and manually mark the cards.
Online Host: Click on Play button and select Host.
Online Players: Click on Play button and select Player.
Hybrid: Pick any combination above. For example, Host can be either Paper or Online.
And players can be Paper or Online or a mix of both.
How to Play Paper Bingo:
Start by downloading the "Twilight Bingo" PDF by clicking on the "Full PDF" button above.
Open the PDF and print it.
For random drawing, you can print another copy of the call list, cut, fold and then draw them randomly at play time.
Cut the bingo cards at the cut marks if there are more than 1 bingo cards per page.
Distribute one card per player. For marking, you can use markers, pens, pencils or crayons. Crayons are the cheapest.
Choose one person to be the caller. If you are playing in a small group, the caller may also play along with their own Bingo card.
The caller begins the game by randomly choosing a word from the call list and announcing it to all players.
The players check their cards to see if they have the called word. If they do, they mark that word.
The first player to complete a horizontal, vertical, or a diagonal line of marked words shouts "Bingo!" and wins the game.
The caller verifies that the words marked form a correct line according to the Bingo card and call list.
You can play for multiple patterns or a full card blackout for an extended game.
This Twilight Bingo Cards Free Pdf Game contains following Words or Phrases: It's raining, A worm!, How long have you been 17? A while, Bella is on the phone with her mum, The car crash scene, Edward shows up in Bella's bedroom, Bella is asked to prom, Edward plays the piano, Edward & Bella win the Golden Onion, Rosalie smashes the salad bowl, Cinematic shot of trees, Hoa Hoa Hoa, Spidermonkey, We're making Italiano, Jessica says something snarky, Compost Tea, Bella figures out Edward is a vampire, ~La Push~, Edward stares at Bella, Blood, Someone bullies Bella's truck, A reference to Bella being pale, Stephanie Meyer Cameo, Baseball Scene, Charlie being an awkward dad, Rosalie glares at Bella, We used to make mud pies, Ballet Studio Scene, Golden Eyes, Eric hits on Bella, This is the skin of a killer, Bella!, A reference to a wild animal attack, Mike hits on Bella, Edward recreates the book cover, Hospital Scene, Red Eyes, Spidermonkey, Graduation caps, Bella bites her lip, A deer, The meadow scene, Edible Art?, Bella trips, Superspeed, Alice sees the future, Jessica lusting after the Cullens, It's sunny, Bella narrates her thoughts about love, Bella being awkward, This is the skin of a killer, Bella!, Sparkly vampire.