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How to play "一般打工賓果 Bingo Cards Free Pdf"?
Game Modes Supported:
Paper Host: Print PDF calling card & calling slips and manually pick the slips.
Paper Players: Print PDF bingo cards and manually mark the cards.
Online Host: Click on Play button and select Host.
Online Players: Click on Play button and select Player.
Hybrid: Pick any combination above. For example, Host can be either Paper or Online.
And players can be Paper or Online or a mix of both.
How to Play Paper Bingo:
Start by downloading the "一般打工賓果" PDF by clicking on the "Full PDF" button above.
Open the PDF and print it.
For random drawing, you can print another copy of the call list, cut, fold and then draw them randomly at play time.
Cut the bingo cards at the cut marks if there are more than 1 bingo cards per page.
Distribute one card per player. For marking, you can use markers, pens, pencils or crayons. Crayons are the cheapest.
Choose one person to be the caller. If you are playing in a small group, the caller may also play along with their own Bingo card.
The caller begins the game by randomly choosing a word from the call list and announcing it to all players.
The players check their cards to see if they have the called word. If they do, they mark that word.
The first player to complete a horizontal, vertical, or a diagonal line of marked words shouts "Bingo!" and wins the game.
The caller verifies that the words marked form a correct line according to the Bingo card and call list.
You can play for multiple patterns or a full card blackout for an extended game.
This 一般打工賓果 Bingo Cards Free Pdf Game contains following Words or Phrases: 擊敗頭目鮭魚, 三發/讚氣彈丟水裡, 丟飛魚炸彈旋轉噴走, 隊友名稱拼出中文, 隊友名稱有????️????暗示, 隊友名稱裡有 Agent, 隊友名稱裡有 gamer, 隊友名稱裡有 Splatoon, 隊友名稱裡有 星星符號, 隊友稱號幻界的/霸者, 隊友斷線, 隊友沒開冰淇淋, 隊友沒開雷射, 隊友狂按來這裡, 隊友狂按讚, 隊友調皮自殺, 隊友開大絕慶祝, 隊友有零王, 在柱魚上被鯊魚吃掉, 鍋蓋魚瞬移, 巨大鮭魚 打16+隻, 巨大鮭魚 打最多隻, 打頭目得到金鱗片, 救最多次人, 最後3秒達標, 鐵球魚親親, 第1場就滅團, 被2+計程車同時撞, 被救零次, 遇到狂潮, 遇到雙排, 開大絕時/前一刻死, 鮭魚會飛, 龍捲風.